“Modified” Wall-Sit: 2-Minute Workout!

Do you want to “work out” but don’t have time? If you don’t have a gym membership or gym equipment available to you in your home, and only have 2 minutes to spare, this exercise is for you! The goal of this exercise is to gain muscle tone, strength and endurance, increase the stability ofContinueContinue reading ““Modified” Wall-Sit: 2-Minute Workout!”

Cancer-Fighting Superfood

What do broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, and radishes all have in common? They are all part of the Brassica family called cruciferous vegetables. They all have great nutritive value and contain health producing components. Cruciferous vegetables are rich in vitamins C, E, A and K, folate, carotenoids, minerals, fiber, antioxidants and cancer preventingContinueContinue reading “Cancer-Fighting Superfood”

“How often should I get an adjustment?”

I get asked this question frequently. My answer varies from time to time, but usually sounds like this. “It depends. Everyone is different.” What do I mean by this answer? Let’s break it down… Chiropractic care is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ healthcare model. By this I mean, not everyone is the same, has the same job,ContinueContinue reading ““How often should I get an adjustment?””

The Not-So-Sweet Truth About Soda

Soda accounts for more than 1/4 of all other drinks consumed in the U.S. Even though soft drinks may “taste good” they are not good for our bodies. Soda can cause, and put us more at risk for numerous health issues. Hypernatremia – causes myelin sheaths (needed for the nervous system to function properly) toContinueContinue reading “The Not-So-Sweet Truth About Soda”

Scapular Retraction Exercise

Here is another great exercise to go along with your routine to eliminate that Forward Head & Shoulders posture. The muscles that are needing attention with this exercise are the rhomboids, lower trapezius and the serratus anterior muscles. These muscles are particularly weak in people who have this posture abnormality. When these muscle become weak,ContinueContinue reading “Scapular Retraction Exercise”